
In-Line 2D AXI / WAXI

    Online series: product description: with independent research and development production of 0.8 micron focal spot tube and large area of the Detector, and ensure the high resolution image, the minimum can also detect the tiny defect, 1 in 20 um fov of 0.2 seconds, ultra-high speed 2 d automatic detection of X - ray equipment, Deep learning detection technology of precision analysis equipment, to provide high precision and reliability of testing equipment, the use of independent research and development of Hybrid Open tube, reduce the maintenance cost efficient testing equipment, with the world's highest technology of Wire bonding package private automatic testing equipment, can automatically detect Wire bonding areas of application: all kinds of bad detection applied in the field of semiconductor and SMT online monitoring

Product details

Online series: product description: with independent research and development production of 0.8 micron focal spot tube and large area of the Detector, and ensure the high resolution image, the minimum can also detect the tiny defect, 1 in 20 um fov of 0.2 seconds, ultra-high speed 2 d automatic detection of X - ray equipment, Deep learning detection technology of precision analysis equipment, to provide high precision and reliability of testing equipment, the use of independent research and development of Hybrid Open tube, reduce the maintenance cost efficient testing equipment, with the world's highest technology of Wire bonding package private automatic testing equipment, can automatically detect Wire bonding areas of application: all kinds of bad detection applied in the field of semiconductor and SMT online monitoring